
XML preferences.


parent Application, Document
eventListeners EventListeners
events Events


defaultCellTagColor [ r, g, b ], UIColorsThe color of the default cell tag. Note: Valid only when default cell tag name value creates a new tag. Does not update the color of an existing tag.
defaultCellTagName 文字列値The name of the default tag to use for new table cell elements. Note: Either specifies an existing tag or creates a new tag.
defaultImageTagColor [ r, g, b ], UIColorsThe color to give a new image tag. Note: Used only when the tag needs to be created.
defaultImageTagName 文字列値The default name for new image elements created automatically.
defaultStoryTagColor [ r, g, b ], UIColorsThe color of the default story tag. Notes: Valid only when default story tag name value creates a new tag. Does not update the color of an existing tag.
defaultStoryTagName 文字列値The name of the default tag to use for new story elements. Note: Either specifies an existing tag or creates a new tag.
defaultTableTagColor [ r, g, b ], UIColorsThe color of the default table tag. Notes: Valid only when default table tag name value creates a new tag. Does not update the color of an existing tag.
defaultTableTagName 文字列値The name of the default tag to use for new table elements. Note: Either specifies an existing tag or creates a new tag.
deleteElementOnContentDeletion 真偽値The preference for deleting the element when deleting the associated content like a page item or a text fragment.
isValid 真偽値オブジェクトが有効かどうか
properties Object


addEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) EventListenerEventListenerを作成
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
getElements() Array( XMLPreference )オブジェクト参照を返す
removeEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) 真偽値EventListenerを削除
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
toSource() 文字列値ソースコードを表す文字列を返す
toSpecifier() 文字列値Retrieves the object specifier.