Ver. | プロパティ名 | R/O | 値 | 説明 |
isValid | ○ |
真偽値 | オブジェクトが有効かどうか |
properties | |
Object | |
transformAttrHeight | |
長さ値 | The height of the object, defined by the object style. (1 - 1440) |
transformAttrLeftReference | |
TransformPositionReference |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| PAGE_EDGE_REFERENCE | 1348945255 PgEg | ページ端(ページの上) |
| PAGE_MARGIN_REFERENCE | 1883721063 pGMg | 上マージン |
| The reference point to be used while setting the X attribute of object style. |
transformAttrRefAnchorPoint | |
AnchorPoint |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| BOTTOM_CENTER_ANCHOR | 1095656035 ANbc | 下辺の中央 |
| BOTTOM_LEFT_ANCHOR | 1095656044 ANbl | 左下角 |
| BOTTOM_RIGHT_ANCHOR | 1095656050 ANbr | 右下角 |
| CENTER_ANCHOR | 1095656308 ANct | 中心 |
| LEFT_CENTER_ANCHOR | 1095658595 ANlc | 左辺の中央 |
| RIGHT_CENTER_ANCHOR | 1095660131 ANrc | 右辺の中央 |
| TOP_CENTER_ANCHOR | 1095660643 ANtc | 上辺の中央 |
| TOP_LEFT_ANCHOR | 1095660652 ANtl | 左上角 |
| TOP_RIGHT_ANCHOR | 1095660658 ANtr | 右上角 |
| Option to specify the achor point to be used by the style for anchoring the object while applying the position. |
transformAttrTopReference | |
TransformPositionReference |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| PAGE_EDGE_REFERENCE | 1348945255 PgEg | ページ端(ページの上) |
| PAGE_MARGIN_REFERENCE | 1883721063 pGMg | 上マージン |
| The reference point to be used while setting the Y attribute of object style. |
transformAttrWidth | |
長さ値 | The width of the object, defined by the object style. (1 - 1440) |
transformAttrX | |
長さ値 | The left position of the object, defined by the object style. (1 - 1440) |
transformAttrY | |
長さ値 | The top position of the object, defined by the object style. (1 - 1440) |