Ver. | プロパティ名 | R/O | 値 | 説明 |
addedBackgroundColorChoice | |
ChangeBackgroundColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098146 eUpb | The background color for changed text is the same as the track changes preferences background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_GALLEY_BACKGROUND_COLOR | 1700095842 eUgb | The background color for changed text is the same as the galley background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_USER_COLOR | 1700099426 eUub | The background color for changed text is the same as the color assigned to the current user. |
| The background color option for added text. |
addedTextColorChoice | |
ChangeTextColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098147 eUpc | The text color for changed text is the same as the text color defined in track changes preferences. |
| CHANGE_USES_GALLEY_TEXT_COLOR | 1700095843 eUgc | The text color for changed text is the same as the galley text color. |
| The color option for added text. |
backgroundColorForAddedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―追加されたテキスト―背景 |
backgroundColorForDeletedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―削除されたテキスト―背景 |
backgroundColorForMovedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―移動されたテキスト―背景 |
changeBarColor | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更バーに使用する色 |
deletedBackgroundColorChoice | |
ChangeBackgroundColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098146 eUpb | The background color for changed text is the same as the track changes preferences background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_GALLEY_BACKGROUND_COLOR | 1700095842 eUgb | The background color for changed text is the same as the galley background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_USER_COLOR | 1700099426 eUub | The background color for changed text is the same as the color assigned to the current user. |
| The background color option for deleted text. |
deletedTextColorChoice | |
ChangeTextColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098147 eUpc | The text color for changed text is the same as the text color defined in track changes preferences. |
| CHANGE_USES_GALLEY_TEXT_COLOR | 1700095843 eUgc | The text color for changed text is the same as the galley text color. |
| The color option for deleted text. |
isValid | ○ |
真偽値 | オブジェクトが有効かどうか |
locationForChangeBar | |
ChangebarLocations |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| LEFT_ALIGN | 1818584692 left | Change bars are in the left margin. |
| RIGHT_ALIGN | 1919379572 rght | Change bars are in the right margin. |
| The change bar location. |
markingForAddedText | |
ChangeMarkings |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| NONE | 1852796517 none | Does not mark changed text. |
| OUTLINE | 1869900910 otln | Outlines changed text. |
| STRIKETHROUGH | 1699968114 eStr | Uses a strikethrough to mark changed text. |
| UNDERLINE_SINGLE | 1700097636 eUnd | Underlines changed text. |
| The marking that identifies added text. |
markingForDeletedText | |
ChangeMarkings |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| NONE | 1852796517 none | Does not mark changed text. |
| OUTLINE | 1869900910 otln | Outlines changed text. |
| STRIKETHROUGH | 1699968114 eStr | Uses a strikethrough to mark changed text. |
| UNDERLINE_SINGLE | 1700097636 eUnd | Underlines changed text. |
| The marking that identifies deleted text. |
markingForMovedText | |
ChangeMarkings |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| NONE | 1852796517 none | Does not mark changed text. |
| OUTLINE | 1869900910 otln | Outlines changed text. |
| STRIKETHROUGH | 1699968114 eStr | Uses a strikethrough to mark changed text. |
| UNDERLINE_SINGLE | 1700097636 eUnd | Underlines changed text. |
| The marking that identifies moved text. |
movedBackgroundColorChoice | |
ChangeBackgroundColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098146 eUpb | The background color for changed text is the same as the track changes preferences background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_GALLEY_BACKGROUND_COLOR | 1700095842 eUgb | The background color for changed text is the same as the galley background color. |
| CHANGE_BACKGROUND_USES_USER_COLOR | 1700099426 eUub | The background color for changed text is the same as the color assigned to the current user. |
| The background color option for moved text. |
movedTextColorChoice | |
ChangeTextColorChoices |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| CHANGE_USES_CHANGE_PREF_COLOR | 1700098147 eUpc | The text color for changed text is the same as the text color defined in track changes preferences. |
| CHANGE_USES_GALLEY_TEXT_COLOR | 1700095843 eUgc | The text color for changed text is the same as the galley text color. |
| The color option for moved text. |
preventDuplicateColor | |
真偽値 | If true, prevent duplicate user color for tracked changes background color. |
properties | |
Object | |
showAddedText | |
真偽値 | If true, displays added text. |
showChangeBars | |
真偽値 | If true, displays change bars, |
showDeletedText | |
真偽値 | If true, displays deleted text. |
showMovedText | |
真偽値 | If true, displays moved text. |
spellCheckDeletedText | |
真偽値 | If true, includes deleted text when using the Spell Check command. |
textColorForAddedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―追加されたテキスト―テキスト |
textColorForDeletedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―削除されたテキスト―テキスト |
textColorForMovedText | |
[ r, g, b ], InCopyUIColors | 変更をトラック―移動されたテキスト―テキスト |