


length 数値オブジェクト数


add([withProperties]) TableStyle新しいオブジェクトを作成し、それを返す
[withProperties] Objectプロパティを設定
anyItem() TableStyleどれかのオブジェクトを返す
count() 数値要素数を返す
everyItem() Array( TableStyle )全てのオブジェクトを返す
firstItem() TableStyle最初のオブジェクトを返す
item(index) TableStyleインデックスまたは名前で指定したオブジェクトを返す
index 数値, 文字列値インデックスまたは名前
itemByID(id) TableStyleIDで指定したオブジェクトを返す
id 数値
itemByName(name) TableStyle名前で指定したオブジェクトを返す
name 文字列値
itemByRange(from, to) Array( TableStyle )範囲で指定したオブジェクトを返す
from TableStyle, 数値, 文字列値範囲の開始
to TableStyle, 数値, 文字列値範囲の終了
lastItem() TableStyle最後のオブジェクトを返す
middleItem() TableStyle真ん中のオブジェクトを返す
nextItem(obj) TableStyle一つ後のオブジェクトを返す
obj TableStyle位置の基準になるオブジェクト
previousItem(obj) TableStyle一つ前のオブジェクトを返す
obj TableStyle位置の基準になるオブジェクト
toSource() 文字列値ソースコードを表す文字列を返す




parent Document, Application, TableStyleGroup
eventListeners EventListeners
events Events


basedOn TableStyle, 文字列値基準(元になるスタイル)
bodyRegionCellStyle CellStyle, 文字列値本文行のセルスタイル
bottomBorderStrokeColor Swatch下辺の線の色
bottomBorderStrokeGapColor Swatch下辺の間隔の色
bottomBorderStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値下辺の間隔のオーバープリント
bottomBorderStrokeGapTint 数値下辺の間隔の濃度
bottomBorderStrokeOverprint 真偽値下辺の線のオーバープリント
bottomBorderStrokeTint 数値下辺の線の濃度
bottomBorderStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値下辺の線種
bottomBorderStrokeWeight 長さ値下辺の線幅
clipContentToGraphicCell 真偽値内容をセル内に入る部分のみ表示
clipContentToTextCell 真偽値内容をセル内に入る部分のみ表示
columnFillsPriority 真偽値If true, hides alternating row fills. If false, hides alternating column fills.
endColumnFillColor SwatchThe fill color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of columns in the second alternating fill group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
endColumnFillCount 数値The number of columns in the second alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
endColumnFillOverprint 真偽値If true, the columns in the second alternating fills group will overprint. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
endColumnFillTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the columns in the second alternating fills group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
endColumnLineStyle StrokeStyle, 文字列値The stroke type of columns in the second alternating strokes group. Can also accept: String.
endColumnStrokeColor SwatchThe stroke color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of column borders in the second alternating column strokes group. Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeCount 数値The number of columns in the second alternating column strokes group.
endColumnStrokeGapColor SwatchThe stroke gap color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of column borders in the second alternating column strokes group. Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値If true, the gap of the column border stroke in the second alternating column strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeGapTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of column borders in the second alternating column strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeOverprint 真偽値If true, the column borders in the second alternating column strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of column borders in the second alternating column strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endColumnStrokeWeight 長さ値The stroke weight of column borders in the second alternating column strokes group. Note: Valid when end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowFillColor SwatchThe fill color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of rows in the second alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
endRowFillCount 数値The number of rows in the second alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
endRowFillOverprint 真偽値If true, the rows in the second alternating fills group will overprint. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
endRowFillTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the rows in the second alternating fills group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
endRowStrokeColor SwatchThe stroke color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of row borders in the second alternating row strokes group. Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowStrokeCount 数値The number of rows in the second alternating row strokes group.
endRowStrokeGapColor SwatchThe gap color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of row borders in the second alternating rows group. Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値If true, the gap of the row borders in the second alternating rows group will overprint. Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowStrokeGapTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of rows in the second alternating strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater and end row stroke type is not solid.
endRowStrokeOverprint 真偽値If true, the rows in the second alternating rows group will overprint. Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowStrokeTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the row borders in the second alternating strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
endRowStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値The stroke type of rows in the second alternating strokes group. Can also accept: String.
endRowStrokeWeight 長さ値The stroke weight of row borders in the second alternating row strokes group. Note: Valid when end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
footerRegionCellStyle CellStyle, 文字列値フッタ行のセルスタイル
footerRegionSameAsBodyRegion 真偽値If true, uses the cell style of the body region for the footer region.
graphicBottomInset 長さ値セルの余白(下)
graphicLeftInset 長さ値セルの余白(左)
graphicRightInset 長さ値セルの余白(右)
graphicTopInset 長さ値セルの余白(上)
headerRegionCellStyle CellStyle, 文字列値ヘッダ行のセルスタイル
headerRegionSameAsBodyRegion 真偽値If true, use the cell style of the body region for the header region.
id 数値オブジェクトのID
index 数値インデックス
isValid 真偽値オブジェクトが有効かどうか
label 文字列値スクリプトラベル
leftBorderStrokeColor Swatch左辺の線の色
leftBorderStrokeGapColor Swatch左辺の間隔の色
leftBorderStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値左辺の間隔のオーバープリント
leftBorderStrokeGapTint 数値左辺の間隔の濃淡
leftBorderStrokeOverprint 真偽値左辺の線のオーバープリント
leftBorderStrokeTint 数値左辺の線の濃淡
leftBorderStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値左辺の線種
leftBorderStrokeWeight 長さ値左辺の線幅
leftColumnRegionCellStyle CellStyle, 文字列値左/上の列のセルスタイル
leftColumnRegionSameAsBodyRegion 真偽値If true, uses the cell style of the body region for the left column region.
name 文字列値オブジェクトの名前
properties Object
rightBorderStrokeColor Swatch右辺の線の色
rightBorderStrokeGapColor Swatch右辺の間隔の色
rightBorderStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値右辺の間隔のオーバープリント
rightBorderStrokeGapTint 数値右辺の間隔の濃淡
rightBorderStrokeOverprint 真偽値右辺の線のオーバープリント
rightBorderStrokeTint 数値右辺の線の濃淡
rightBorderStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値右辺の線種
rightBorderStrokeWeight 長さ値右辺の線幅
rightColumnRegionCellStyle CellStyle, 文字列値右/下の列のセルスタイル
rightColumnRegionSameAsBodyRegion 真偽値If true, uses the cell style of the body region for the right column region.
skipFirstAlternatingFillColumns 数値The number of columns on the left side of the table to skip before applying the column fill color. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
skipFirstAlternatingFillRows 数値The number of body rows at the beginning of the table to skip before applying the row fill color. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
skipFirstAlternatingStrokeColumns 数値The number of columns on the left of the table in which to skip border stroke formatting. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater and/or end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
skipFirstAlternatingStrokeRows 数値The number of body rows at the beginning of the table in which to skip border stroke formatting. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater and/or end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
skipLastAlternatingFillColumns 数値The number columns on the right side of the table in which to not apply the column fill color. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
skipLastAlternatingFillRows 数値The number of body rows at the end of the table in which to not apply the row fill color. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
skipLastAlternatingStrokeColumns 数値The number of columns on the right side of the table in which to skip border stroke formatting. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater and/or end column stroke count is 1 or greater.
skipLastAlternatingStrokeRows 数値The number of body rows at the end of the table in which to skip border stroke formatting. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater and/or end row stroke count is 1 or greater.
spaceAfter 長さ値後のアキ
spaceBefore 長さ値前のアキ
startColumnFillColor SwatchThe fill color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of columns in the first alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
startColumnFillCount 数値The number of columns in the first alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
startColumnFillOverprint 真偽値If true, the columns in the first alternating fills group will overprint. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
startColumnFillTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the columns in the first alternating fills group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table columns.
startColumnStrokeColor SwatchThe stroke color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of column borders in the first alternating column strokes group.
startColumnStrokeCount 数値The number of columns in the first alternating column strokes group.
startColumnStrokeGapColor SwatchThe stroke gap color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of column borders in the first alternating column strokes group. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startColumnStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値If true, the gap of the column borders in the first alternating column strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startColumnStrokeGapTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of column borders in the first alternating column strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startColumnStrokeOverprint 真偽値If true, the column borders in the first alternating column strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startColumnStrokeTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of column borders in the first alternating column strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startColumnStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値The stroke type of columns in the first alternating strokes group. Can also accept: String.
startColumnStrokeWeight 長さ値The stroke weight of column borders in the first alternating column strokes group. Note: Valid when start column stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowFillColor SwatchThe fill color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of rows in the first alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
startRowFillCount 数値The number of rows in the first alternating fills group. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
startRowFillOverprint 真偽値If true, the rows in the first alternating fills group will overprint. Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
startRowFillTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the rows in the first alternating fills group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when alternating fills are defined for table rows.
startRowStrokeColor SwatchThe color, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), of row borders in the first alternating row strokes group. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeCount 数値The number of rows in the first alternating row strokes group.
startRowStrokeGapColor SwatchThe stroke gap color of row borders in the first alternating row strokes group, specified as a swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink). Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値If true, the gap color of the row border stroke in the first alternating row strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeGapTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of row borders in the first alternating rows group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeOverprint 真偽値If true, the row borders in the first alternating row strokes group will overprint. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeTint 数値The tint (as a percentage) of the borders in the first alternating row strokes group. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
startRowStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値The stroke type of rows in the first alternating strokes group. Can also accept: String.
startRowStrokeWeight 長さ値The stroke weight of row borders in the first alternating row strokes group. Note: Valid when start row stroke count is 1 or greater.
strokeOrder StrokeOrderTypes
InDesign 2.0 ベース
textBottomInset 長さ値セルの余白(下)
textLeftInset 長さ値セルの余白(左)
textRightInset 長さ値セルの余白(右)
textTopInset 長さ値セルの余白(上)
topBorderStrokeColor Swatch上辺の線の色
topBorderStrokeGapColor Swatch上辺の間隔の色
topBorderStrokeGapOverprint 真偽値上辺の間隔のオーバープリント
topBorderStrokeGapTint 数値上辺の間隔の濃淡
topBorderStrokeOverprint 真偽値上辺の線のオーバープリント
topBorderStrokeTint 数値上辺の線の濃淡
topBorderStrokeType StrokeStyle, 文字列値上辺の線種
topBorderStrokeWeight 長さ値上辺の線幅


addEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) EventListenerEventListenerを作成
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
duplicate() TableStyle複製。複製されたオブジェクトを返す
extractLabel(key) 文字列値キーに関連づけられた値を取得
key 文字列値キー
getElements() Array( TableStyle )オブジェクト参照を返す
insertLabel(key, value) なしキーに関連づけられた値を設定
key 文字列値キー
value 文字列値
move(to, [reference]) TableStyleパネル内の移動
to LocationOptions
No location
[reference] ParagraphStyle, ParagraphStyleGroup, CharacterStyle, CharacterStyleGroup, CellStyle, CellStyleGroup, TableStyle, TableStyleGroup, Document, Application位置の基準になるオブジェクト
remove([replacingWith]) なし削除
[replacingWith] TableStyle置き換える表スタイル
removeEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) 真偽値EventListenerを削除
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
toSource() 文字列値ソースコードを表す文字列を返す
toSpecifier() 文字列値Retrieves the object specifier.