Ver. | メソッドの書式 | 戻り値 | メソッドの説明 |
| | パラメータ | 値 | | パラメータの説明 |
addEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) |
EventListener | EventListenerを作成 |
| eventType |
文字列値 | | |
| handler |
ファイル, JavaScript関数 | | |
| [captures] |
真偽値 | | (廃止) |
bringToFront() |
なし | 最前面へ |
close() |
なし | 閉じる |
getElements() |
Array( StoryWindow ) | オブジェクト参照を返す |
maximize() |
なし | ウィンドウの最大化 |
minimize() |
なし | ウィンドウの最小化 |
removeEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) |
真偽値 | EventListenerを削除 |
| eventType |
文字列値 | | |
| handler |
ファイル, JavaScript関数 | | |
| [captures] |
真偽値 | | (廃止) |
restore() |
なし | 元のサイズに戻す |
select(selectableItems, [existingSelection]) |
なし | オブジェクトを選択状態にする |
| selectableItems |
Object, Array( Object ), NothingEnum.NOTHING(1851876449/nada), SelectAll.ALL(1634495520/all ) | | 選択するオブジェクト |
| [existingSelection] |
SelectionOptions |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| ADD_TO | 1633969202 add2 | 追加選択する |
| REMOVE_FROM | 1919249734 remF | 選択から削除する |
| REPLACE_WITH | 1919250519 repW | 置き換える |
| SET_KEY | 1936028779 setk | 整列のキーオブジェクトにする |
| | 既に選択されているものがあった場合 (既定値=SelectionOptions.REPLACE_WITH) |
toSource() |
文字列値 | ソースコードを表す文字列を返す |
toSpecifier() |
文字列値 | Retrieves the object specifier. |
プロパティ名 | 値(文字列) | 説明 |
AFTER_ACTIVATE | afterActivate | Dispatched after the StoryWindow becomes active. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED | afterAttributeChanged | Dispatched when the value of a property changes on this StoryWindow. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
AFTER_CLOSE | afterClose | Dispatched when a StoryWindow is closing. Since the close has been committed, it can no longer be canceled. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
AFTER_OPEN | afterOpen | Dispatched after a StoryWindow is opened. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
AFTER_SELECTION_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED | afterSelectionAttributeChanged | Dispatched after an attribute on the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
AFTER_SELECTION_CHANGED | afterSelectionChanged | Dispatched after the active selection changes. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |
BEFORE_CLOSE | beforeClose | Dispatched before a StoryWindow is closed. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable. |
BEFORE_DEACTIVATE | beforeDeactivate | Dispatched before the StoryWindow becomes inactive. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. |