Ver. | プロパティ名 | R/O | 値 | 説明 |
iconSize | |
IconSizes |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| EXTRA_LARGE_ICON | 1885695079 pelg | 特大 |
| EXTRA_SMALL_ICON | 1885696877 pesm | 極小 |
| JUMBO_ICON | 1886943340 pxxl | 超特大 |
| LARGE_ICON | 1884058215 pLrg | 大 |
| MEDIUM_ICON | 1886217572 pmed | 中 |
| SMALL_ICON | 1886612844 psml | 小 |
| アイコンサイズ |
index | ○ |
数値 | インデックス |
isValid | ○ |
真偽値 | オブジェクトが有効かどうか |
masterIconSize | |
IconSizes |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| EXTRA_LARGE_ICON | 1885695079 pelg | 特大 |
| EXTRA_SMALL_ICON | 1885696877 pesm | 極小 |
| JUMBO_ICON | 1886943340 pxxl | 超特大 |
| LARGE_ICON | 1884058215 pLrg | 大 |
| MEDIUM_ICON | 1886217572 pmed | 中 |
| SMALL_ICON | 1886612844 psml | 小 |
| アイコンサイズ |
mastersThumbnails | |
真偽値 | If true, display thumbnails of the pages in the master pages area of the panel. |
masterVerticalView | |
真偽値 | If true, master page icons will be arranged vertically around the binding spine. If false, master page icons will be arranged horizontally. |
name | ○ |
文字列値 | オブジェクトの名前 |
pagesOnTop | |
真偽値 | If true, the pages area of the panel will be drawn above the master pages area. |
pagesThumbnails | |
真偽値 | If true, display thumbnails of the pages in the pages area of the panel. |
pagesViewSetting | |
PageViewOptions |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| BY_ALTERNATE_LAYOUT | 1987277931 vstk | Pages arranged in vertical columns by alternate layout. |
| HORIZONTALLY | 1752396907 hstk | Pages arranged in horizontal rows. |
| VERTICALLY | 1987211127 vrow | Pages arranged in a vertical column. |
| View setting for how to arrange the pages in the page section of the panel. |
properties | |
Object | |
resizeBehavior | |
PanelLayoutResize |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| MASTERS_FIXED | 1886416230 ppmf | マスター固定 |
| PAGES_FIXED | 1886414456 ppfx | ページ固定 |
| PROPORTIONAL_RESIZE | 1886417010 pppr | 縦横比を維持 |
| Specifies the behavior of the document and master page areas of the panel when the panel is resized. |
rotationIcons | |
真偽値 | If true, a rotation icon will display next to spreads with non-zero rotation applied. |
transitionsIcons | |
真偽値 | If true, a page transitions icon will display next to spreads with page transitions applied. |
transparencyIcons | |
真偽値 | If true, a transparency icon will display next to spreads with elements having transparency applied. |
visible | |
真偽値 | 表示するかどうか |