Ver. | プロパティ名 | R/O | 値 | 説明 |
enableBevelEmboss | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply bevel emboss. |
enableDirectionalFeather | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply directional feathering. |
enableDropShadow | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply drop shadows. |
enableFeather | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply feathering. |
enableGradientFeather | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply gradient feathering. |
enableInnerGlow | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply inner glow. |
enableInnerShadow | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply inner shadows. |
enableOuterGlow | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply outer glow. |
enableSatin | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply satin. |
enableTransparency | |
真偽値 | If true, the object style will apply transparency settings. |
isValid | ○ |
真偽値 | オブジェクトが有効かどうか |
properties | |
Object | |