


parent Application, Document, PageItem, HtmlItem, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject, Button, MediaItem, Sound, Movie, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Graphic, ImportedPage, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, Group, TextFrame
parent Application, Document, PageItem, HtmlItem, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject, Button, MediaItem, Sound, Movie, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Graphic, ImportedPage, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, Group, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame
parent Application, Document, PageItem, HtmlItem, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject, Button, MediaItem, Sound, Movie, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Graphic, SVG, ImportedPage, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, Group, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame
eventListeners EventListeners
events Events


isValid 真偽値オブジェクトが有効かどうか
preserveAppearance 真偽値If true, appearance edits will be preserved during update.
preserveFrameContent 真偽値If true, frame content edits will be preserved during update.
preserveInteractivity 真偽値If true, interactivity edits will be preserved during update.
preserveOthers 真偽値If true, text wrap, hyperLinks, text frame options, object export settings will be preserved during update.
preserveSizeAndShape 真偽値If true, size and shape edits will be preserved during update.
properties Object
updateLinkWhileSaving 真偽値If true, the linked Page Item will be updated while saving.
warnOnUpdateOfEditedPageItem 真偽値If true, a warning will be shown if the update link operation will override local edits.


addEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) EventListenerEventListenerを作成
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
getElements() Array( LinkedPageItemOption )オブジェクト参照を返す
removeEventListener(eventType, handler, [captures]) 真偽値EventListenerを削除
eventType 文字列値
handler ファイル, JavaScript関数
[captures] 真偽値(廃止)
toSource() 文字列値ソースコードを表す文字列を返す
toSpecifier() 文字列値Retrieves the object specifier.