Ver. | プロパティ名 | R/O | 値 | 説明 |
accurateLABSpots | |
真偽値 | 特色に標準Lab値を使用 |
cmsSettings | |
文字列値 | The current color management system settings configuration. Note: For information on possible values, see CMS settings list. |
cmsSettingsList | ○ |
Array( 文字列値 ) | A list of valid color management system settings configurations. |
cmsSettingsPath | |
ファイル | The file path of the CSF file to use. |
cmykPolicy | |
ColorSettingsPolicy |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| COLOR_POLICY_OFF | 1129344870 CPof | Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. |
| COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK | 1129345124 CPpd | Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. |
| CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE | 1129346931 CPws | Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. |
| PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES | 1129345136 CPpp | Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. |
| The policy for handling colors in a CMYK color model, including reading and embedding color profiles, resolving mismatches between embedded color profiles and the working space, and moving colors between documents. |
enableColorManagement | |
真偽値 | If true, enables color management. |
engine | |
文字列値 | The color management module (CMM) for mapping color space gamuts between documents. |
engineList | ○ |
Array( 文字列値 ) | The available color engines. |
idealizedBlackToExport | |
真偽値 | If true, uses idealized black for CMYK-to-RGB or CMYK-to-Gray conversions to print or export. |
idealizedBlackToScreen | |
真偽値 | If true, uses idealized black for CMYK-to-RGB or CMYK-to-Gray conversions to the screen. |
intent | |
DefaultRenderingIntent |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC | 1380540771 RIac | Aims to maintain color accuracy at the expense of color relationshps and is suitable for proofing to simulate the output of a particular device. |
| PERCEPTUAL | 1380544611 RIpc | Aims to preserve the visual relationship between colors so they are perceived as natural to the human eye, even though the color values themselves may change. |
| RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC | 1380545123 RIrc | Compares the extreme highlight of the source color space to that of the destination color space and shifts all colors accordingly. |
| SATURATION | 1380545377 RIsa | Tries to produce vivid colors in an image at the expense of color accuracy. |
| The default rendering intent. |
isValid | ○ |
真偽値 | オブジェクトが有効かどうか |
mismatchAskWhenOpening | |
真偽値 | ファイルを開いた時にカラーの不一致ダイアログを表示させるかどうか |
mismatchAskWhenPasting | |
真偽値 | If true, displays a prompt when importing an object (via pasting, drag-and-drop, or other similar methods) whose colors do not match the current working space. The prompt provides the option to override the default mismatch behavior. |
missingAskWhenOpening | |
真偽値 | If true, displays a prompt when opening a file that does not have an embedded color profile. The prompt provides the option to assign a color profile. |
properties | |
Object | |
rgbPolicy | |
ColorSettingsPolicy |
Ver. | 値 | 10進数/文字列 | 説明 |
| COLOR_POLICY_OFF | 1129344870 CPof | Turns off color management for documents whose profiles do not match the working space. |
| COMBINATION_OF_PRESERVE_AND_SAFE_CMYK | 1129345124 CPpd | Preserves raw color numbers and ignores embedded color profiles. |
| CONVERT_TO_WORKING_SPACE | 1129346931 CPws | Converts newly opened documents to the current working space. |
| PRESERVE_EMBEDDED_PROFILES | 1129345136 CPpp | Preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. |
| The policy for handling colors in an RGB color model, including reading and embedding color profiles, handling mismatches between embedded color profiles and the working space, and moving colors from one document to another. |
useBPC | |
真偽値 | If true, uses black point compensation to ensure that shadow detail is preserved by simulating the full dynamic range of the output device. |
workingSpaceCMYK | |
文字列値 | |
workingSpaceCMYKList | ○ |
Array( 文字列値 ) | A list of valid CMYK color profiles. |
workingSpaceRGB | |
文字列値 | |
workingSpaceRGBList | ○ |
Array( 文字列値 ) | A list of valid RGB color profiles. |